Requirements of papers presentation and publication of articles

At the TUR 2024 Conference, only papers in the form of PowerPoint presentations and Posters will be presented – in Polish or English. In the case of Posters presentation, authors will be notified at least two weeks before the start of the Conference and the Poster template will be delivered. The title of the paper and the summary (maximum of 500 words) in English should be submitted by July 30th. Please, submit the titles of the papers as soon as possible. This will facilitate the preparation of the Conference program. Abstracts of papers will be included in the conference materials. After the TUR 2024 Conference, authors can prepare the presented papers for printing according to the selected journal’s requirements.
You can choose from the following scientific journals and magazines:

Scientific Magazine – Quarterly „MINING MACHINES” – B List, 20 points according to Polish Ministry of Education and Science – printing free of charge. Printing successively after delivery of the finished article.

Preparation of articles following the publisher’s requirements.

Scientific Magazine – Quarterly „MINING – INFORMATICS, AUTOMATION AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING” – B List, 5 points according to Polish Ministry of Education and Science – printing free of charge. Printing successively after delivery of the finished article.

Abstracts and papers submit to:, phone: +48 601239923